Basic questions that not just I get, but for sure you too. Since I started University I also started to be happy about every detail of my life. And now comes the question “why?”. Well, why not? You create the life you want.
I am watching a lot of YouTubers, normal people and I was thinking about how they are living like this. How they have the time for that. Traveling, big events, concerts, teenage activities, school, etc. It took me some time to see that the answer was easy. They are happy. You create your own life, you should surround yourself with persons that are good for you, that are influencing you to do your best, you should do what you like and enjoy, not what is right for society. If I still think like that I probably not started this blog.
I have a million reasons to be happy and you too don’t worry. For example, I saw the sunrise this morning after a really long time and it just melted my soul. Or maybe your mom makes you breakfast this morning or you just found that you are not doing a class today, you get a really cute text. Basic things that are making you happy without realizing it. So open your eyes and enjoy it.
I am not saying that we are not allowed to be sad or disappointed. That is stupid and you can not control that. I am too, but the idea is to not let that feeling be there for too long. Good music, a day off, a walk, the right person = little things.
We all have a hard time sometimes even we speak about it or not, but remember that everything happens for a reason. All the bad has a good thing in it or it takes you to something beautiful. If not now, in time.
On the warm days, I used to go with a bright smile at University and trying my best to make my friends laughing. To see them happy even a second was another reason to be happy.
I will always love people around me, it doesn’t matter that is temporary or for my entire life. That is in my personality to take care of everybody around me. Sounds weird maybe, but even strangers on the street can make your day beautiful. Smile to them and see how you get your smile back through different eyes.
I did the article on this topic because I think maybe you need somebody to remain to you this and today it was me.
Hope you are doing great and that you enjoy my article!
Inspirational Quote of the Day:
